Planning a summer vacation with custody in mind On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC...
The best interests of your child: How do courts decide? On behalf of Barli &...
Let a parenting agreement improve your life after divorce On behalf of Barli & Associates...
Will your retirement plans survive a 50-plus divorce? On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC...
Two common mistakes divorcing spouses make On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC posted in...
Will a 50-50 child custody arrangement work for you and your ex? On behalf of...
Maintaining the best standard of living possible after divorce On behalf of Barli & Associates...
Prepare for the property division phase of your divorce On behalf of Barli & Associates...
Three scenarios when you can revoke parental rights On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC...
When criticism in your relationship becomes too much to bear On behalf of Barli &...
Understand the types of child custody available On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC posted...
Three common reasons cited for marital dissolution On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC posted...
Visitation rights: Activities your 3-year-old child will enjoy On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC...
A postnuptial agreement is a helpful document in a divorce On behalf of Barli &...
Does your choice of career affect the likelihood of divorce? On behalf of Barli &...
School age children and parenting plans On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC posted in...
Avoid these mistakes during your divorce proceedings On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC posted...
What are the benefits of signing a prenuptial agreement? On behalf of Barli & Associates...
2018 could be the year to get divorced On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC...
Are alimony payments possible when a short marriage ends? On behalf of Barli & Associates...
Money matters when it comes to divorce On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC posted...
New statistics: Unpaid child support figures are worse than ever On behalf of Barli &...
Should I choose a lump sum alimony payment? On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC...
New Jersey divorce and retirement account distribution On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC posted...
Life insurance and divorce proceedings On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC posted in alimony...
Will I need to split my business in my divorce? On behalf of Barli &...
How divorcees are using bitcoin to cheat their ex-spouses On behalf of Barli & Associates...
The best interests of your child: How do courts decide? On behalf of Barli &...
Alimony tax deductions to be eradicated for post-2018 divorces On behalf of Barli & Associates...
Should you consider a legal separation instead of divorce? On behalf of Barli & Associates...
Is there a viable reason to reduce my spousal support payments? On behalf of Barli...
Possible custody law adjustments come New Jersey On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC posted...
What if the judge’s decision in my divorce was unlawful? On behalf of Barli &...
How a new life insurance policy could be a part of your divorce On behalf...
Three ways to avoid a bitter divorce On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC posted...
Shared parenting: Can you and the other parent agree? On behalf of Barli & Associates...
Prenuptial agreements: Why millennials want them On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC posted in...
Three examples of common child custody cases On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC posted...
Divorce means your kids must move between two homes On behalf of Barli & Associates...
The main reasons why marriages end On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC posted in...
Ask these questions know if it’s time to consider divorce On behalf of Barli &...
New Jersey grandparent visitation rights On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC posted in child...
Tell your pediatrician about your divorce plans On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC posted...
What’s the most important factor in your child custody cases? On behalf of Barli &...
Financial issues may be complex for older divorcing couples On behalf of Barli & Associates...
Avoid these divorce mistakes regarding your family home On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC...
New research: Kids benefit from equal time with both mom and dad On behalf of...
Can I receive more spousal support if I’m returning to school? On behalf of Barli...
Community property division in New Jersey On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC posted in...
Do this before you start your divorce On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC posted...
Important factors of separate property and marital assets On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC...
What are the best circumstances for joint custody? On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC...
New Jersey child relocation ruling changes the law On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC...
Getting real about your finances post divorce On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC posted...
Can you reduce or end payments under the Alimony Reform Act? On behalf of Barli...
How to navigate back-to-school season as a single parent On behalf of Barli & Associates...
Your family might benefit from a spendthrift trust On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC...
Advice for your divorce from those with experience On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC...
New Jersey’s divorce rate: 4th lowest in the country On behalf of Barli & Associates...
Can I deduct alimony payments from my taxes? On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC...
Family law: where proven, empathetic advocacy can make a difference On behalf of Barli &...
Common mistakes couples make during a high-conflict divorce On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC...
Are legal custody issues complicating your divorce? On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC posted...