Category: Child Custody

A Comprehensive Guide to Protecting Your Assets and Ensuring a Positive Outcome Divorce can be...

Child custody cases are some of the most challenging family law matters due to their...

Planning a summer vacation with custody in mind On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC...

The best interests of your child: How do courts decide? On behalf of Barli &...

Let a parenting agreement improve your life after divorce On behalf of Barli & Associates...

Will a 50-50 child custody arrangement work for you and your ex? On behalf of...

Three scenarios when you can revoke parental rights On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC...

Understand the types of child custody available On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC posted...

Visitation rights: Activities your 3-year-old child will enjoy On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC...

School age children and parenting plans On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC posted in...

New statistics: Unpaid child support figures are worse than ever On behalf of Barli &...

The best interests of your child: How do courts decide? On behalf of Barli &...

Possible custody law adjustments come New Jersey On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC posted...

Shared parenting: Can you and the other parent agree? On behalf of Barli & Associates...

Three examples of common child custody cases On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC posted...

Divorce means your kids must move between two homes On behalf of Barli & Associates...

New Jersey grandparent visitation rights On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC posted in child...

What’s the most important factor in your child custody cases? On behalf of Barli &...

New research: Kids benefit from equal time with both mom and dad On behalf of...

What are the best circumstances for joint custody? On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC...

New Jersey child relocation ruling changes the law On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC...

How to navigate back-to-school season as a single parent On behalf of Barli & Associates...

Your family might benefit from a spendthrift trust On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC...

Are legal custody issues complicating your divorce? On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC posted...