On behalf of Barli & Associates LLC posted in alimony on Friday, December 22, 2017.
No ex-spouse ever wants to pay alimony or spousal support. These payments will doubtlessly represent a significant monthly expenditure — and if you ever find yourself in a difficult financial circumstance, you might discover that you’re having trouble gathering enough cash to pay the bill. Fortunately, if you’ve suffered a significant change in your financial situation, you might be able to apply for a reduction in your spousal support payments.
Here are a few circumstances in which a spousal support reduction could be granted:
You lost your job: If you lost your job and you’re not earning an income right now, you might not have a choice — paying your spousal support might not be possible at this time. In a situation like this, you might be able to receive a temporary reduction in your spousal support obligations.
You just had a baby: If you have a new baby in your family, you might be able to get a reduction to your existing spousal support. A child is a significant financial burden that you will need to pay for, and this could cut into the funds you have available to pay your ex-spouse in alimony.
You become permanently disabled: A disability could cause you to earn less money, or not be able to work at all. In these circumstances, it’s clear that your financial situation has permanently changed, and you might be able to receive a permanent reduction in your spousal support obligations.
There are many other valid reasons why a family court judge might grant you a temporary or permanent spousal support reduction. Ultimately, you will need to determine what particular change in circumstances warrants your alimony reduction and argue a compelling case if you want to succeed in your request.
Source: FindLaw, “Reasons For Reducing Spousal Support,” Le Trinh, accessed Dec. 22, 2017